For me it is an unforgettable film. You go through emotions you were surprised could have for a fictional film. The story, although totally implausible, is uplifting and depressing at the same time.Life Is Beautiful manages to walk the extremely thin line between humor, fantasy, and tragedy. Sure, the film is clearly comedic, but nevertheless it manages to very effectively communicate the tremendous losses suffered in the Nazi concentration camps and has scenes at least as intense as any scene in Schindler’s List. Roberto Benigni totally deserved his Oscars. . He handled both the comedy and drama aspects beautifully.
The holocaust story was inevitable, as you saw the inference towards the Jews, but it was so secondary to the eternal quest for this man to keep his wife and child happy, safe a reassured in circumstances I could never imagine.The second half is more about the father/son relationship. What that man went through to protect his son is one of the most beautiful stories i’ve ever seeing. But all those sad moments merged between funny ones. Benigni’s performance is amazingly funny and moving, but what really surprised me about the acting was Giorgio Cantarini as Giosué, I’m not saying he was better than Benigni, but for a kid to make such a big difference in the cast of a movie is rare to see. .See it because, as the movie will tell you, life truly is beautiful.